How to Measure ROI for your Brand Video Production

Blog for: Business

Introduction: Measuring ROI in Brand Video Production

Measuring the ROI, or return on investment, of your brand videos is like keeping score in a game. You want to know if the money you're putting into making videos is actually bringing you any benefits. Think of it this way: Every dollar you spend on your brand videos should help grow your business in some way, like bringing in more customers, getting more sales, or even just spreading the word about what you do.

To figure out your ROI, first, you need to track how much you’ve spent on creating the video. This includes everything from hiring a camera crew to the editing process. Then, you look at the results. How many people watched your video? Did sales bump up after you released it? Did more folks visit your website? It’s about connecting the dots between what you put in and what you get out. Without keeping an eye on these details, you won’t know if your investment in video content is a win or a loss.

Remember, the goal is to make smart moves that benefit your brand, and measuring ROI helps you do just that.

Understanding What ROI Means for Brand Videos

In simple terms, ROI, short for return on investment, how much value or profit you get from the money you spend. With video production, calculating ROI isn't just about the cash. It's also about the brand awareness and engagement you gain. The return is based on what your goals are, when you want to achieve them, and what resources come back short term and long term.

Think of it like this: if you spend $1,000 on a brand video, and it helps you sell $5,000 worth of products, your ROI is pretty solid. But that's not all. If that video also gets you more followers on social media or more people talking about your brand, that's additional value.Additionally, if you're looking to simplify your processes eliminating internal costs, and a video helps you do that, the ROI is more based on those savings. This applies the same for safety training, team member training, customer onboarding, etc.

Remember, not all returns from brand videos can be measured in dollars immediately. Some benefits, like stronger customer relationships or a better brand image, pay off over time.

Key Metrics to Track for Brand Video Production

When delving into brand video production, knowing how to measure its return on investment (ROI) is crucial. Start by zeroing in on a few key metrics.

View count tells you how many eyeballs are seeing your content, but it's just the surface.
Dive deeper with engagement rates, which cover likes, shares, comments, and the time viewers spend watching your video. High engagement rates often hint that viewers find your content valuable, boosting its potential to convert.
Conversion rate is the ultimate measure of success. It shows whether viewers are taking the desired action, like signing up or making a purchase, after watching your video.
Lastly, don't overlook click-through rate (CTR); it reveals how effective your video is at encouraging viewers to click on links associated with it.

Tracking these metrics gives you a solid ground to evaluate the effectiveness of your brand video production efforts.

Investments Involved in Producing Brand Videos

When we talk about brand video production, think about it as an investment rather than just a cost. But, let's break it down.

The total cost involved in making a brand video varies widely based on a few key factors.

First, consider the type of video. Are we talking explainer videos, testimonials, product demos, or something entirely different? Each has its unique demands.
Second, consider the length of the video. Longer videos need more shooting days, editing, and, you guessed it, budget.
Lastly, who you hire makes a difference. A full-service production company might cost more upfront but could save you headaches and ensure a polished product.

To make it simple, think about these points:

  • - Type of video
  • What's the story you want to tell?
  • - Production quality
  • How slick do you want this to look?
  • - Final Length
  • How long is the journey?
  • - The crew
  • Who's coming along for the ride?

Keep these in mind, and you'll have a clearer picture of the costs involved in bringing your brand's story to life through video. You can always reach out to various video production companies and gauge not only their prices but who will be the best fit for your needs.

At TW Video, full transparency, most of our brand video productions are below $3,000 for filming, editing, and strategy. But that does not apply to every project.

Calculating the Direct Returns of Brand Video Investments

Calculating the direct returns from your brand video investments feels like figuring out a puzzle, but it's simpler than you think. First off, focus on the revenue generated directly from your videos. You track this by checking how many leads or sales resulted directly from your brand videos. Use tools like unique URLs or promo codes in your videos to make tracking straightforward.

Also, look at your video's engagement metrics, such as views, shares, and comments. These can indicate increased brand awareness, indirectly affecting revenue down the line.

Lastly, compare the cost of producing the video against the revenue and engagement metrics. This comparison gives you a clear picture of whether your investment is paying off.

Remember, a positive return doesn’t always mean huge profits immediately; it’s about the value added over time. In short, keep it straightforward: track sales and engagement, compare costs, and understand value over time.

Indirect Benefits of Investing in Brand Video Production

Brand video production isn't just about the direct returns you see in sales. The true value often lies in the indirect benefits that might not show up immediately on your balance sheet but are crucial for long-term success. First off, quality brand videos boost your company's image. They make your business look more professional and trustworthy, which is key to attracting and retaining customers. Then there's the improvement in customer engagement. Videos are more engaging than text or images alone, making it easier for your message to stick with your audience.

Moreover, videos significantly increase your online presence. They enhance your SEO, meaning your business is more likely to show up on the first page of Google searches. This can lead to more website visitors over time. Additionally, brand videos provide valuable content for your social media channels, keeping your feed fresh and interesting. This not only attracts new followers but also encourages shares, expanding your reach even further. Lastly, investing in video production facilitates better internal communication. Training or informational videos for staff can simplify complex processes, ensuring everyone is on the same page. In the big scheme of things, the indirect benefits of investing in brand video production can far outweigh the direct costs, driving long-term growth and success for your business.

Tools and Techniques for Tracking Video Performance

To nail down the success of your brand video, you’ve got to keep an eye on how it's doing. Simple, right? Tracking the performance means you get to see if your hard-earned cash is pulling its weight. Let’s break down the tools and techniques that make this doable.

First up, Google Analytics. This tool is like the Swiss Army knife for tracking your video's journey on your website. It tells you how many eyes are on your video and if those viewers stick around or bounce faster than a rabbit in a fox den. Next, we have Social Media Analytics. Whether your video is on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, these platforms have built-in analytics. They show you the bare bones - likes, shares, comments, and even how many people watched your video all the way through.

Then there's Wistia. Think of Wistia as the video guru for businesses. It not only hosts your videos but gives you detailed analytics, like how long people watch your video and if they rewatch it.

For keeping tabs on how much chatter your video is creating, BuzzSumo is your go-to. Type in your video’s URL, and see how it's performing across the social landscape. Remember, knowing your video's performance is half the battle won.

These are only examples of some of the tools you can utilize, but not an endorsed, sponsored, or referral by Tyler Wursta or TW Video by any means. But with these types of tools in your arsenal, you’re all set to measure the ROI of your brand video production investments like a pro.

Mistakes to Avoid When Measuring Brand Video ROI

When you're crunching the numbers to figure out the ROI (return on investment) of your brand video, there are a few common pitfalls to dodge.

First, don't just look at the views; it's easy but misleading. Sure, high view counts feel good, but they don't tell you everything. What you really want to know is if those views are turning into real engagement or better yet, sales. If your'e goal is brand awareness views are a key metric to track. But if your goals was to increase lead generation and sales views are not a core metric to track.

Second, ignoring the long game is a mistake. Brand videos are more than a one-hit-wonder. They build your brand over time. You might not see instant sales spikes, but if your video strengthens your brand's identity or improves customer loyalty, that’s a win. Avoid making the error of overlooking these softer metrics.

Third, setting unrealistic expectations can trip you up. If your goal is to go viral or bust, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. Instead, focus on realistic, achievable objectives tied to your business goals. Short term and long term goals.

Lastly, don't forget to factor in all costs, including production and distribution. Just looking at production costs gives you an incomplete picture of your investment. Keep these in mind, and you'll have a clearer, more accurate understanding of your brand video's true ROI.

Summary and Key Takeaways for Maximizing ROI in Brand Video Production

To crack the puzzle of measuring and maximizing ROI on brand video production, remember, it's not just about splashing cash but making strategic moves.

  • - First up, know your audience inside out. If your video doesn't vibe with them, it's a miss. Craft content that resonates, speaks their language, and offers value. More engagement means more potential conversions.

  • - Next, set concrete goals. What's the end game? Views, shares, leads, sales? Pinning down your target helps track success and adjust strategy on the fly. Include calls-to-action (CTAs) that guide viewers—tell them exactly what to do next. This clarity boosts conversion rates. Don't shy away from analytics. Platforms offer rich data—views, watch time, engagement rates. These metrics reveal what's working and what's not, guiding your future content creation.

  • - Finally, distribution is key. Even the best video can't perform in a vacuum. Choose platforms where your audience hangs out. Mix it up between social media, email, and your website for maximum reach and impact.

In essence, understanding your audience, setting clear goals, leveraging CTAs, diving into analytics, and strategizing distribution turbocharge your video's ROI. Keep these pointers in the spotlight, and let them guide your brand video production to rewarding destinations.

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